UAV Manning 7x Manned Aircraft !

One of the arguments for unmanned vehicles is that fewer people are required.  However, not only is that not true, it appears that the opposite is true by a wide margin!

 “The [remotely piloted aircraft] … requires much more architecture than, say, an F-16 squadron,” Kwast [Lt. Gen. Steven L. Kwast, the commander of Air Education and Training Command] said. While the ratio of people to aircraft in manned aviation is roughly 1.5 to 1, he said, it takes about 10 people to operate one UAV at any given time.” (1)

According to the Air Force, it requires 7x more people to operate a UAV !!!!!!!!!!

I’m stunned.  I knew there was no manpower savings but I had no idea that it required that big an increase in manning.  I’d love to know what it is the extra people do.

So much for the manpower savings argument.


(1) website, “Air Force Wants to Decrease Manning for Its UAVs”, Oriana Pawlyk, 24-Feb-2018,

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