Do You Want To Know What's Happened To Our Navy?

Do you want to know what’s happened to our Navy?  Just look to the titles of the articles in the most recent issue of Proceedings (Apr. 2016).  I’ve put the subject in parentheses for those that are not obvious from the title.

  • Misnavigation or Spoofing? (GPS)
  • #Savetheskirt (wearing skirts at the Naval Academy graduation)
  • Best Practices Evolve From Open Discussion (something about modifying a paperwork form)
  • To Drink, or Not to Drink?
  • @AdmNelson (social media)
  • Twilight of Manned Flight?
  • What Makes the CPO Mess Tick
  • Innocent Until Investigated
  • All Manner of Contingencies (interview with Royal Army commander)
  • Innovation is Initiative
  • Charles de Gaulle Fights ISIS
  • A South China Sea Game Changer? (sovereignty ruling from the Hague)

Proceedings is supposed to be the professional voice of the Navy.  Of course, the magazine can only published what’s submitted and this is what’s being submitted.  Look at the list of articles.  Women’s skirts, artificial innovation (like it’s something that can be mandated), drinking, social media, legal matters, foreign navies and officers – this is what’s passing for professional concerns today.  Meanwhile, China is busy building a navy and air force that is on its way to surpassing us.

Where are the articles about ship design, tactics, strategy, readiness, amphibious assault, weapons, etc.?  I weep for my Navy.

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