Women SEALs

You’ve all seen by now that SecNav Mabus has instructed Naval Special Warfare (SEALs) to integrate women into the SEAL teams.  He has not qualified his remarks with “if they can meet the standards”.  He has simply told the Navy to make it happen.  Of course, out of the other side of his mouth, he claims that standards will not be modified.  Well, I’m sorry but there is only one way any woman can become a SEAL and that’s by lowering the standards.  We’ve all seen film of SEAL training.  Only a few of the toughest, strongest men can meet the standards.  There is no possible way that any woman can do it.  The Rangers were told to pencil whip a woman into the unit and now the SEALs are being told to do the same.

You’ll also recall that SecNav ignored the Marines documented performance shortcomings of women in training.

This is simply a political agenda placed ahead of national security, combat performance, and common sense.  Worse, this actually does a disservice to women by mandating their inclusion in a job they aren’t qualified for.  This is affirmative action at its worst.  Every woman in every job will be looked at with suspicion and the belief that they didn’t get their job fairly.

If CNO Richardson had an ounce of integrity he would resign in protest as would his replacement and his and his …  If the CNO isn’t safeguarding the integrity of the Navy and the trust of the sailors and American people then who is?  It’s certainly not SecNav Mabus.  Mabus is an embarrassment to the nation and an affront to true women’s rights.

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