China's Straight Face

You have to admire China’s ability to keep a straight face and not laugh while it delivers its political messages and warnings to the US.  Consider the latest warning to the US, as reported by Defense News website (1).

Beijing’s Defense Ministry on Thursday warned the US Navy to “be careful” in the South China Sea and slammed a newly signed agreement between Washington and the Philippines.”

The Philippines and US recently signed an Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) which allows the US greater access to naval bases and further development of the bases.  In particular, the agreement gives the US access to Palawan (Oyster Bay) on the western side of the main Philippine islands and closer to the disputed Spratley Islands where China is building artificial islands and air/naval bases.

“Asked about the deal, Yang [Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun] said: ‘To strengthen military alliances is a reflection of a Cold War mentality.’

‘It is in the opposite direction of the trends of the era for peace, development and cooperation,’ he said, adding bilateral military cooperation should not ‘undermine a third party’s interests.’ ”

Hmmm …  An agreement between two countries outside the South China Sea is opposite the trend for peace but building and militarizing artificial islands somehow promotes peace?  How do you say that with a straight face?

“ ‘Now, the United States has come back, and is reinforcing its military presence in this region and promoting militarization in the South China Sea,’ Yang said.”

So, the US is promoting militarization but China’s artificial islands and newly constructed naval/air bases is not promoting militarization?  Again, do you have to have special training to say that without laughing?

Beijingacknowledges that the facilities on its new islands will have military as well as civilian purposes.”

China would seem to be contradicting its own assertions about its peaceful intents but I guess that doesn’t register on them!

Our politicians and military leaders want to believe that China’s statements are backed by good faith, as ours are.  However, this is clearly not the case.  China will say whatever it needs to in order to achieve its goals and we need to stop ascribing our values and integrity to a country that does not share those values and integrity.  If we see China’s statements for what they are – manipulations in a war – then we can begin to see reality and counter their expansionism.

China continues to aggressively and illegally push its expansionist policies.

“China’s comments came as Malaysia accused ‘a large number’ of Chinese fishing trawlers and a coast guard vessel of entering its waters, understood to be last week.”

This should also serve as a reminder to the US that China’s military and civilian affairs are, ultimately, one and the same.  We need to recognize that there are no civilian actions – civilian actions are directed by the government and serve as a part of the overall military strategy.  China sees no distinction between civilian and military nor between peace and war.  Peace is just a form of war that uses less explosives.

We can counter China now, on our terms, while they are still building their military up to our level or wait and counter them on their terms after their military has achieved parity or superiority.  Waiting will prove far more costly in blood and money.


(1)Defense News website, “China to US: ‘Be Careful’ in South China Sea”,
Agence France-Presse, March 31, 2016,

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