China Declares War

The Chinese “president”, now dictator for life, Xi Jinping, announced to the world that China intends to conquer the world.  The day, 18-Oct-2017, is one that historians will look back on as the day China’s global conquest began.  Of course, those historians will be Chinese unless we get our act together!  And, to be more accurate, the war started some time ago.  China has already conquered the South and East China Seas out to the first island chain and did so without firing a shot!  Impressive.

In a 3-1/2 hour speech before the Communist Party Congress, Xi Jinping basically stated that China’s destiny is to dominate and conquer the rest of the world.  As only a Chinese speaker could, he blandly stated,

China will continue its efforts to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and uphold international order.” (1)

Of course, China’s method of safeguarding the world is to conquer it and international order will be achieved when all the world is Chinese.

But China is a peace-loving nation, you say. 

“China will never pursue development at the expense of others’ interests, but nor will China ever give up its legitimate rights and interests.” (1)

This is hilarious given that China is actively engaged in unilateral expansionism backed by the intimidating threat of military action.  Just ask Vietnam or any of the Pacific Rim countries that China is currently at odds with.

China’s true colors show with this statement,

“No one should expect China to swallow anything that undermines its interests.” (1)

This is the justification China uses to ignore international tribunals, make false claims of sovereignty, construct illegal islands and militarize them, violate and invade the territorial waters of the Philippines, Vietnam, and others, and concoct fraudulent claims of ownership over Japanese islands.

Here are some additional excerpts from the rambling speech.

“The party exercises overall leadership over all areas of endeavor in every part of the country.” (2)

Thus, we see that the entire Chinese economy, culture, infrastructure, military, and industry is controlled by the central Chinese government/dictator.  What this means is that every aspect of Chinese life and actions are united and focused on Chinese domination of the world.  It’s why, for example, Chinese merchant vessels are built with military use in mind.

Here’s another quote that offers great insight.

“A military is built to fight.” (2)

We see from this that China is not building a self-defense force or a regional stability force or an ocean-going safety force – China is building a military intended to conquer the world.  Unlike the US, China clearly understands the purpose of a military and is building a force that is aimed at combat.  The US, in contrast, is building a force geared at global policing, anti-terrorism, nation building, and humanitarian assistance.  Combat has been relegated to an afterthought.

In a reference to Taiwan and Hong Kong,

"We will never allow anyone, any organisation or any political party, at any time or in any form, to separate any part of Chinese territory from China." (3)

Thus, it is inevitable that China will eventually seize Taiwan forcefully.  It is also evident that any war with China will include the immediate seizure of Taiwan and the US needs to recognize this and begin formulating a strategic response plan, assuming we even intend to support and protect Taiwan.

Don’t believe me about Taiwan?  Try this,

“…achieving China’s full reunification are essential to realising national rejuvenation …” (6)

Kind of hard to interpret that any other way than an ironclad guarantee that Taiwan’s days are numbered.

The speech contained moments of comic relief such as,

China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion.” (4)

This is hilarious as China has been engaged in non-stop expansion and regional, leading to global, domination and has not hesitated to use the threat of military force to achieve its ends.

More comedy,

China opposes imposing its own will to others, opposes interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and opposes the strong nations bullying the weak.” (5)

Again, China’s actions totally belie their words.  China’s main tactic in its seizure of the East/South China Seas has been militaristic threats and intimidation.  China is the very definition of a strong nation bullying the weak!

Finally, this warning to any who would offer opposition.

"We must oppose any speech or action that weakens, distorts or negates the party's leadership, or China's socialist system." (7)

So much for any acceptance of free speech or independent thought!

A reasonable person might note that this speech was delivered before the Chinese Communist Congress and suggest that much of the content was hyperbole intended for internal political consumption rather than serious worldwide audiences.  I might be inclined to accept that view except that all of China’s actions belie any claims of peaceful intent and fully support the goal of Chinese conquest of the world.


(1)Breaking Defense, “After 4000 Years, China Eyes Truly Global Role”, Colin Clark, 18-Oct-2017,

(2)Washington Post website, “Xi Jinping at China congress calls on party to tighten its grip on the country”, Simon Denyer, 18-Oct-2017,

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