FY19 Weapons Procurement Costs

Here is an informational post about various weapon procurement costs to help inform our discussions.  Unless otherwise noted, the cost data is from the FY19 Navy Budget Justification Book (1) and is the quantity and cost for FY19 purchase requests.

Weapon         Qty   Cost  Unit Cost

ESSM            45   $98M    $2.2M
RAM            120   $96M    $0.8M
LRASM           25   $81M    $3.2M
LCS OTH (NSM)    8   $18M    $2.2M  (note 1)
Standard SM-6  125  $490M    $3.9M
Tomahawk       100  $234M    $2.3M  (note 2)
Mk48 Torpedo    45   $93M    $2.1M

note 1 – presumed to be the Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile as all other contenders have dropped out of the purchase competition

note 2 - FY18 qty and cost; no purchase request in FY19

This post has no particular point – just information to help sharpen our discussions!


(1)Department of Defense Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Budget Estimates, February 2018, Navy Justification Book Volume 1 of 1, Weapons Procurement, Navy,

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