Marine Information Group?

The Marines have been on a questionablefoolish path for some time, now, with their focus on aviation and their shedding of tanks and artillery.  The push to become some kind of expeditionary air force and to drop from a middle weight fighting force to a light weight one is ill-considered and does not support the Marine’s main function which is to brutally and explosively seize an opening into an enemy’s territory to pave the way for follow on forces.

Now, the foolishness continues with the latest announcement of a name change for the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) Headquarters Group.

“On Thursday, July 6, the Camp Pendleton, Calif.-based I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group will be re-designated as I MEF Information Group.”

MEF Information Group????  It sounds like they want to be an ad agency, making up travel brochures.  This indicates a complete separation from reality and a total loss of recall about what the Marine’s purpose is.  If they want to rename the Headquarters Group, they should call it the Blowing Things Up Group because that’s what war is about.

Yes, I understand that cyber warfare, electronic warfare, and intelligence are part of the methodology of combat.  Further, I don’t really care what name they apply to anything.  What I do care about is the underlying mindset that leads to this kind of action – a mindset totally divorced from the recognition that war is a brutal, ugly, terribly destructive business.  Our military, and the Marines, in particular, seem to believe that war will be a dainty affair, conducted neatly from behind a computer, using spreadsheets and networks.  That notion will hold right until the Russians start dropping crude, primitive artillery barrages of high explosives and cluster munitions on top of our Information Group and all our light infantry joy-riding around the countryside in glorified jeeps.

“The commander of the MIG will be responsible to provide the MEF commanding general with a comprehensive understanding of the information environment, which includes the threat environment, command and control network health, status and vulnerabilities, the electromagnetic spectrum, cyberspace, environmental factors, cognitive and social factors, as well as further elements that may affect our ability to compete with near-peer adversaries.” (1)

Network health?  Environmental factors? Cognitive and social factors?  Are the Marines preparing for brutal combat or a high school debate?

The Marines seem firmly and enthusiastically headed down a rabbit hole of irrelevance and combat ineffectiveness and I’m very sorry to have to witness it.


(1)USNI News website, “Primed and Ready: I MEF First to Organize Information Warfare Group”, Gidget Fuentes, 4-Jul-2017,

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