Payoff In The Making?

This is beyond insane.  The Navy is going to pay Lockheed Martin to study the LCS.

Lockheed Martin has been awarded a $74.6 million contract modification by the U.S. Navy to help the service branch conduct special studies, reviews and analyses of the Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship development initiative.” (1)

Is there a defense program in history that has been more thoroughly studied and critiqued than the LCS?  And now we’re going to pay LM $75M to conduct more studies?  Come on, Navy.  Just read this or any of dozens of blogs and you’ll have a pretty good understanding of the LCS problems. 

I’ll tell you what, Navy, send me just ten million dollars and you can read my blog as often as you want and you can keep the remaining $65M for the annual LM-Navy office Christmas party.

This is absolute kookoo bird, nuthouse crazy.  How many Admiral chaired oversight panels has the Navy established to study and guide the LCS program?  What were those Admirals doing?  Couldn’t we ask them about the LCS since we’re already paying them?

Every time I think the Navy has hit rock bottom in terms of dumb decisions, they dig a little deeper and lower the bar still further.  

Seriously, you know what this is?  This is some Admiral(s) paying off LM for non-existent, unnecessary work in exchange for future employment on the board of directors when they retire.  No other explanation makes sense.  You’ll have to excuse me.  I’ve got to go vomit.


(1) ExecutiveBiz website, “Lockheed to Help Navy Evaluate Freedom-Class LCS Program”, Ramona Adamson: April 29, 2016,

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