The "Real" Goals for the Navy

I reviewed and strongly criticized the Navy's goals and objectives in the last post.  OK, so what should the goals be?  Well, here's my list.  Anything you'd add or modify?

  • Terminate the LCS
  • Initiate a true frigate design
  • Initiate a dedicated MCM vessel design
  • Intiate a dedicated, small ASW vessel design
  • Develop a long range, supersonic anti-ship missile
  • Reinvigorate offensive mine warfare
  • Terminate the F-35 and initiate a new fighter design
  • Reactivate the S-3 Viking for use as ASW and tanking

  • Increase maintenance
  • Publicize INSURV results
  • Make training exercises more realistic
  • Reduce deployments to 6 months max

Leadership, Integrity, and Accountability
  • Overhaul the broken command selection process
  • Institute long term program acquisition assignments to foster accountability
  • Re-establish the General Board and BuShips
  • Reduce Admiral count to 30

  • Establish a standing surface and subsurface OpFor
  • Establish a Top Gun-like training program for surface and subsurface warfare
  • Establish unbiased, free form wargaming

Project Management
  • Generate realistic cost estimates and link directly to career penalties
  • Assign program-long managers with career penalties for poor performance
  • Re-establish Congressional trust and transparency
  • Establish routine audits of acquisition programs

Compare this list to the Navy's.  Remember I asked how the Navy would be improved if, somehow, the entire list could be magically accomplished and the answer was it wouldn't?  Now, look at my list.  If all those could be magically accomplished, what would the Navy look like?  It would be a much improved, combat ready fleet.  'Nuff said.

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